
The #1 free honey bee swarm app.

Download the free app to receive free local swarms!

How it Works, psst - it’s free

  1. Community-Driven Reporting:
    The public can easily report any bee swarm they spot using through the website https://reporthoneybees.com/. Each report captures critical information such as location, time, and height of the swarm from the ground.

  2. Instant Swarm Alerts:
    Our app sends real-time notifications to beekeepers based on their preferences. Beekeepers signed up with the Swarmkeeper app receive a push notification and can instantly claim the swarm. With detailed alerts and precise location data, you’re always in the loop and ready to respond.

  3. Swift, Safe Bee Removal:
    As a beekeeper, you can contact the reporter, plan your route and head off to get your free bees! This not only protects the bees but also enhances community safety.

Questions or Comments? Would you like for use to present at your beekeeping meeting?

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