Free Bee Swarm Removal
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Are you in need of bee swarm removal? The Honey Bee Society is here to help. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting honey bee health and sustainability. Our team of trained volunteers offers free bee swarm removal services, using humane techniques to safely relocate the bees to our teaching apiary.
We believe that educating the public about bees is an important part of our mission, and we use our teaching apiary for educational purposes.
The Honey Bee Society offers free bee swarm removal services anywhere in the United States. We safely remove and relocate the bees to our teaching apiary to promote honey bee health and sustainability. Donations support our work and engagement with the community.
Our bee swarm removal service is completely free, but we rely on donations to fund our work and engagement with the community. Your donation supports our efforts to promote honey bee health and sustainability.
If you're dealing with a bee swarm, don't hesitate to contact us. We'll respond as quickly as possible to safely and humanely remove the swarm and relocate it to our teaching apiary. By choosing The Honey Bee Society for your bee swarm removal needs and making a donation, you're not only helping to protect your own property, but also supporting our work and the health of honey bees in our community.
Thank you for considering our bee swarm removal service and for your support. Contact us today to schedule your free bee swarm removal.
Honey Bee Swarm Rescue and Removal
Honey Bee education is our #1 priority, that is why we offer FREE BEE SWARM REMOVAL to the community! We respond quickly to your location and are able to safely remove the bee swarm with minimal disturbance to you or the bees. From there we relocate them to one of our teaching apiaries which helps increase our citizen science research, educate the next generation, and provide valuable genetics for our breeding program. Not only are you going good for the community in relocating bees from unwanted places. but providing education to the community on the importance of being alert for honey bee swarms in your neighborhood!
How do you relocate a swarm?
At The Honey Bee Society we have years of experience beekeeping, including swarm removal. We will gently coax the bees into a transport carrier which keeps them safe and snug on their journey to their new home at one of our teaching apiaries! It is a simple process usually takes less than an hour. Call us today to have your swarm removed for free - it will become a valuable addition to our growing teaching apiary which is serving as one of the fasting growing community education programs in Portland!
What is a Honey Bee Swarm?
A Honey Bee swarm forms when an established beehive grows too large for its current home and runs out of space. Half of the bees decide to leave the hive along with a queen to find a new place to call home! There is a complex set of interactions (which is not fully understood) which take place within the hive determining which bees stay or leave. As the new colony breaks off from the old they usually congregate on a tree branch, or other overhanging structure where they can rest while 'scout' bees search for suitable new home. This resting swarm of honey bees is what most people notice and report to organizations like us for a quick removal.
Should I approach a swarm?
Honey Bees are inherently dangerous, as they possess a wide range of temperaments, a stingers and venom. Please do not approach swarms and keep children and pets at safe distances from a swarm once located. Swarming honey bees do not have a home and therefore on occasion may be more docile then usual, although this is no reason to take chances which endanger yourself or other around you. Call or text us as soon as you notice a swarm and we will quickly relocate it to one of our teaching apiaries.
Support Bees!
If you believe in the work we are doing at The Honey Bee Society please consider donating today. We are funded off the generosity and passion of those looking to make a difference in the world through education.