BeeApart Monitor
Citizen Science Honey Bee Monitoring
A real time beehive data monitor
BeeApart Monitor
The BeeApart Monitor is THBS's response to the lack of scientific data points around beekeeping from hobbyist backyard beekeepers to large commercial operations. We are conducting one of the fastest growing honey bee citizen science programs in the United States by deploying the BeeApart Monitor in beehives to collect data points which help further honey bee research, preservation and government policy.
Our simple to install and use device records the temperature, humidity and vibrations within the hive in real time. This anonymous data is collected at a central location and shared with leading honey bee research institutes across the country to help in the fight against honey bee decline. The continual flow of data provides invaluable measurements which are currently not available. With this research we hope to influence the actions of all beekeepers and provide a guiding light on the effectiveness of chemical-free beekeeping.
The BeeApart Monitor is currently in Beta testing and looking for willing individuals who are looking to make a difference in beekeeping policy by providing real time information about their hive. All recorded information is displayed on the user friendly BeeApart Dashboard which has the ability to record hive inspection notes with ease, and set email or text message alerts to notify you if the temperature or humidity breached predefined thresholds, keeping you continually informed of your hive's status without continual invasive in-hive inspections.
If you would like to be a part of our ongoing project or are looking to lend development assistance, please reach out via our Contact page!